Born of restless energy and from deep future philosophy, PLAYY®. is the next chapter of evolution in digital communication.
We are an Innovations lab. And you are probably wondering ‘what does that mean, exactly?’
To put it simply, we are a bunch of technophiles who really respect the creative process!
We believe that the 1s and 0s that our world runs on today, should be working for you instead of the other way around. We may be small, but have no qualms in thinking big! Just ask Mitsubishi Electric, Nissan, Siemens, Renault, Hyundai, Yamaha, Samsung, Adidas, Bajaj, UBS Bank, and Skoda. In the little time, we’ve been around, PLAYY® has been busy helping these giants develop the future of their digital landscapes.
We create to customise brand experiences, use deep data to drive ideas and inspire ourselves through beautiful, intuitive design.
We are PLAYY®.
Experience Strategy
When we tell people that we create digital experiences, we actually mean it. From writing lines of code in the backend to developing the smooth, aesthetic interface in the frontend, and everything in-between. PLAYY® is the amalgamation of good experience, curated design and great technology.
Brand Expression
Our website wasn’t developed and designed to be published and forgotten, like most. We created it to be part of PlaYY’s daily activity, showcasing our prowess in strategy, structured content management and proprietary technology systems, enhanced by clean and crafted design.

Unified Content & Commerce Platform
A platform that powers better digital experiences for businesses and
Modular Block Structure Content / Page Builder
Re-usable modular blocks to restructure and format with ease.
Rule-based design
Conditional rule-based fields to show functional parameters specific to the options for editorial experience
Flexible Rich Text Editor
HTML is great, but not for storing Rich Text and business data. That’s why we built structured Rich Text: an open-source JSON-based specification that lets you markup content in any way, for any application.
Image Pipeline
We provide responsive images, cropping and compression on-demand features, treating assets as structured content. These features automatically optimise all image formats and reduce editing time on every image, keeping consistency with a single source of truth.
Workflow approvals for validation
Editorial workflow approval pipeline for staged approvals and actions.
Document Revision History
Real collaboration with instant reviews and rollback of any field and custom component. Custom input components for data structures.
Field Parameter Localization
Our Deep Field Parameter Localisation support to maintain as many locales as you need with ease.
Document Revision history
This feature has helped us tracking changes. Keeping true to a single source of truth architecture and transparency in the organization.
Real-Time Previews
We implemented collaborative real-time previews for instant feedback to make quick decisions on content architecture and design.
Contextual Rich Text Editor
A word like Experience with the content platform, flexibility for editors to be instinctive.
Our low-key hijack
Every tiny aspect from the page orientation to the menu selection, is designed intuitively to hold and grow the attention of the user. Every micro-interaction is designed to a be micro-battle to be waged and won when the user engages with the platform, thanks to our smart adaptation and beyond responsive design.
Gallery - gamification Sticky Titles Modular Results
Welcome to a platform that makes it easy without any technical jargon.
Our website wasn’t developed and designed to be published and forgotten, like most. We created it to be part of PLAYY®’s daily activity, showcasing our prowess in strategy, structured content management and proprietary technology systems, enhanced by clean and crafted design.

Minimalism is the next big thing really.
From meta-tags to micro-interactions, you’ll like it and you won’t even know why. But our terrabytes of research will. We believe that devilishly difficult design is in the micro-details. We like to be subtle. We like to craft. And we think this is going to be huge.
We hope to collaborate with our customers and bridging the knowledge gap between technology and design and find innovative new ways of enhancing engagement and optimisation through research and data collection to deliver results.