
Department (technology)
Date Published (04.01.2022)
Remote no)

We are looking for a back-end developer to join our Innovation lab As a back-end developer, your responsibilities revolve around two main areas: lead developer within product teams and contributor to the experience of developers within the discipline.

You are responsible for the architecture and development of back-end applications for our customers


What you’ll do:

  • You are expercted to use a range of solutions including our proprietery tool build on Mongo DB, Laravel Twill, or, if necessary, packaged solutions.
  • In addition to your work as a system architect, you and the entire team integrate the work of front-end developers and help CTOs recommend an optimal methodology suited to the requirements of each project.
  • Written and oral communication is clear and concise. You can articulate technological concepts to expert or non-technical profiles, collaborators or customers.
  • See the big picture and know how to reach your goal.
  • Listen to customers and understand their needs, while being aware of the need to set realistic expectations and express them clearly.
  • Good knowledge of the digital production chain and are an expert employee.
  • Comfortable in a dynamic environment, you are able to work on multiple projects at the same time or stay focused on a single project over time.
  • You are passionate about your job. You follow industry recognized standards, specifications and best practices.

What you’ll bring:

  • 2-3 years of experience in the development and maintenance of web applications
  • Strong knowledge of modern PHP techniques, Laravel framework and associated tools
    Proficiency in database technologies such as PostgreSQL and MySQL / MariaDB / MongoDB
  • Git savvy user
  • Experience building sustainable REST APIs
  • Experience in integrating other APIs
  • Good knowledge of cloud infrastructure
  • Experience in integrating high-performance and responsive customized web applications
  • Keen eye for detail and passion for efficient and clean code.

Other bonus technologies to know:

  • Docker
  • Comfortable with provisioning and deployment tools such as Forge and Ansible
  • Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services, Azure or Google Cloud
  • Experiences in the construction and maintenance of CI / CD pipelines
  • Search engine technology like Elasticsearch or Algolia
  • Modern JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js and React
  • SAAS CMS like Contentful, Contentstack, Sanity, Prismic and other solutions.
  • Wordpress and / or Drupal

What you’ll get:

  • Money.
  • Paid vacation and sick leave.
  • Paid holidays.
  • Amazing clients to work with.
  • Dogs to pet and things to drink.
  • A team that works hard, has fun and loves a challenge.
(BackEnd Developer - Pune)


PLAYY® - Pune
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